lunes, 11 de abril de 2016



A1. When and why were they held?

Nuremberg,Germany, was chosen as a site for trials that took place in 1945 and 1946. This was because after the war, some of those responsible for crimes committed during the Holocaust were brought to trial.

 A2. Where did the judges come from?

Judges come from the Allied powers: Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States. They presided over the hearings of twenty-two major Nazi criminals. 

 A3. What crimes were the defendants tried for?

 The crimes that the defendants were tried for are divided into three groups:

· Crimes against peace: this crimes involved activities related with preparation, direction and development of an assault war or for a infringement of international agreements, that lead to a war.

· Crimes of war: this are crimes related with the infringement of the law. In this infringements are included: the murder, bad human treatment or forced works with the citizens of the invade territories, the murder or forced work with war prisioners, the murder of hostages, the sacking of public or private goods and also the unnecessary destruction of cities.

· Crimes against humanity: the murder or reduction to slavery, the deportation and other inhumane actions against civil population, before or during the war. Finally the chase because of political, racial or religious causes are forbidden.


A4.  Why were many of the most senior Nazis never tried?

Most of the defendants admitted to the crimes of which they were accused, although most claimed that they were simply following the orders of a higher authority. Those individuals directly involved in the killing, received the most severe sentences. Other people who  had played key roles in the Holocaust, including high-level government officials, and also business executives who had used concentration camp inmates as forced laborers, received short prison sentences or no penalty at all. But why?
 This was because  some of the senior Nazis commited suicide knowing that they wouldn't have a great future and others simply scape.

A5. Who's Simon Wiesenthal? What happened to him during WWII?

Simon Wiesenthal was born in Austry-Hungary ( Ucraine). His wife managed to escape from going to a field but he wasn't that lucky so He was a war prisioner at the Mauthausen-Gusen a field visits during the WWII, he was there because he was jewish, but he survived and escaped from the field thanks to the americans, who free the people from the field.

A6. What did he do after the war? Why?

After beeing in a field visits called Mauthausen-Gusen he dedicated his life to find and identify nazi crimininals who had escaped from justice. So he was an researcher and also a ''nazi hunter''. Because he wanted to make the germans paid for what they had done.


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